

Does he have any vaccines coming up? Set up a reminder and receive a notification.



Keep track of your pet’s treatments and set up a notification for the next dose.


Veterinary visit

Write down everything the vet said, save the medical prescription and plan the next appointment.


General info

Keep an eye on your pet’s weight or injuries. Take pictures and write everything relevant down.

Digital pet health record

Have all your pet’s info on hand

Medika helps you stay organised. No lost documents, no missed appointment, and a happy pet.

Try out the new digital pet health record and keep an eye on your beloved animal’s general health. Never miss an appointment to the vet and know exactly when to administer the deworming treatment. Everything you need is now available in one app!

How cool is Medika?

What you get from using the app

Keep your old paper pet health record away and switch to the new digital version.


When is that appointment to the vet?

Never miss another appointment. Set up a date and receive a notification.


Has Max put on some weight?

That’s an easy fix! Write down his new diet and see the evolution on a graph.


When was that flea treatment due?

Keep track of your pet’s treatment and know exactly when the next dose is due.

Our mission?

Healthy pets!

As animal lovers, we know your precious pet deserves the best. Every necessary info is now available to you in one simple tap!

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